I’m seventeen years old and I have done a ton of research on the Mormon Church. I really think it’s right for me and I want to join, but I really don’t think that my mom will approve at all. Her opinion is very important to me so I don’t know what to do!

Anonymous from Seattle,

3 Responses to “I’m seventeen years old and I have done a ton of research on…”

Jorge Prado
2008-10-12 02:20:32
Hey Anonymous,

It was good to hear from you! Amazingly, you're the second teenager who's contacted me recently about joining the LDS Church. Many Mormons become members of the church during their teenage years; my own wife joined when she wasn't much older than you are. I was happy to hear that you've done a lot of research to make an informed decision, and that you've managed to separate out the misinformation people spread about Mormons from the truth.

You mentioned that you worry your mother won't approve of your new religion. You should know that the LDS Church does not typically baptize minors without their parents' consent. We'd love it if you continued to visit the Church and to participate in Church activities. Scripture study and daily prayer will also help prepare you for the day when you can formalize your membership.

I get the feeling, though, that questions of parental consent are not really your concern. You seem to sincerely love your mother and to genuinely respect her opinion. I think these feelings of love and respect for your mother are excellent; you're taking seriously the fifth commandment, "Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee."

I suggest you begin by talking sincerely with your mom about your spiritual needs. Tell her you wish to grow closer to God. Then mention that you've been studying Mormonism a lot, and tell her you think the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will meet your spiritual needs.

Your mother, like many people, may not know much about the LDS Church. Lots of people misunderstand Mormonism. Some think Mormons are not Christians, that they practice polygamy, or that they all live in Utah. By simply explaining Mormonism to your mom, perhaps you could help her become more accepting of your choice. You could also share with her the stories of others who have converted to Mormonism. You might be able to find some appropriate stories among the testimonies posted on the Testimony Page of this site. Also, there are a number of videos about joining the Mormon Church. CNN political commentator Glenn Beck (whose political views I don't always agree with) recently gave an excellent interview about his conversion to Mormon Christianity. You could also share this video about my wife's conversion (part 1 and part 2). The Church itself has posted a few similar, shorter videos as well: Don: A Mormon Convert and Betty: A Mormon Convert.

Finally, I recommend that you pray daily asking God to open your mother's heart. You might also try fasting for your mother's sake. If you feel it's appropriate, visits from Mormon missionaries might also help.

On an unrelated note, if you haven't yet visited the LDS Church, I highly recommend it. You can find the address of the chapel nearest your home by visiting the Worship with Us webpage. Also, missionary visits are essential to the conversion process. If you have not yet met with Motmon missionaries, I invite you to request a visit using the Talk to a Member in your Area webpage.

Good luck, friend. The gospel of Christ has truly blessed my life. It has shown me the path to spiritual peace through our Savior. I'm excited that you are now beginning your own journey!
2008-08-18 06:30:53
Wow! I am so impressed that someone your age would take the time to study and research a religion. You clearly have your priorities straight. First of all, your mother loves you very much. She wants you to be happy, she wants you to figure out who you are and what you want from life. I am sure she also knows how mature you are and how much thought and time you've put into this. With all of that said, I suggest you explain that her opinion is monumentally important to you but that you feel this is right. Then tell her you won't go against her wishes, but before she makes a decision, you'd like her to listen to all of the missionary discussions. Hopefully she will see that this is a reasonable request. Attend all of the discussions with her and share your testimony. Also pray that the Lord will guide and help you and her in this decision.
2009-02-16 04:14:50
Mormon Missionaries
Mormon missioanries help people learn about the church.
Hi, I'm 17 too!! And there's somethig I want to tell you...

I was born in the church, but it all started with my mom, who decided to join when she was sixteen years old. Her mother (my grandma) didin't aprove... She was very upset, but my mom felt that this was right, and she decided not to listen to my grandma, and joined the church. That was 30 years ago..... And with the time my grandma realized that my mom joining the church was one of the best things that could ever happen to our family, so my advice is that you should talk to your mom, and try to make her understad why do you want to take this desition, ask for her support, I'm sure your mom loves you and she does'nt want something bad for you, so if you make her understand how good this is, maybe she will join the church too!!

Good luck, and please be patient with your mom, this may take some time, but at the end I will woth it!: d

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