Academic evidence proves time and time again that the Bible is true. Where’s the evidence for the Book of Mormon?


One Response to “Academic evidence proves time and time again that the Bible …”

Leonardo Leal
2008-01-01 05:19:51
I can't help but chuckle a little when some people try to make the argument that academic evidence "proves" the Bible is true. The fact of the matter is, many, many of the claims the Bible makes are completely unsubstantiated by academic research. In fact, many of the teachings in the Bible are specifically refuted by academia. According to academia, the earth was not make 6,000 years ago, and men descended from apes. The ancient prophets could not have performed any miracles, and Christ could not have risen from the dead. To base one's faith on academic "proof" is foolishness. Religion by definition requires faith; academics by definition rejects faith. The Mormon religion requires no greater "leap of faith" or "suspension of disbelief" than any other religion.

Many people also ignore the growing body of academic evidence that does support the authenticity of the Book of Mormon as an ancient text. I've written an article that describes some examples of this growing body of evidence, in case you're interested.

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