Do Mormons wear special underwear?


2 Responses to “Do Mormons wear special underwear?”

Ricardo Campos
2007-11-17 09:25:25

Mormons talk about my they use special ceremonial clothing
Garments, often called "Mormon underwear" by those unfamiliar with our beliefs, are a form of religious clothing used by some Mormons. In early adulthood, prepared Mormon men and women typically participate in the higher ordinances of the Mormon temple for the first time. During these ceremonies, they make sacred promises to God, including the promise to dedicate themselves to Him. The day these promises are first made is one of the most important days in the life of a faithful Mormon. From that day forward, Mormons wear their religious clothing underneath their "street closes" as a quite, inner reminder of the sacred promises made that day. Mormons don't think of their garments as "underwear," but rather a sacred reminder of their renewed dedication to God.

Mormonism is by no means the only religion that uses religious clothing as a symbol. Catholic clergymen have religious robes, protestant clergymen often use a distinctive "collar," Jews have their yarmulkes (skull caps), Muslim women wear the hijab, and the Sikh wear their turbans. Some Orthodox Jews even wear an undergarment with religions significance (the Tallit Katan), much like the Mormon garment. The Sikh also use a religious undergarment called the Kachchhera.

Contrary to the allegations of many anti-Mormon bigots, Mormons do not believe that their garments are "magic." They do not believe that garments necessarily "protect" them from physical injury. Garments serve only as a reminder of special promises made to God; because of this powerful religious symbolism, mocking the Mormon garment is a very offensive form of hate-speech.
2008-06-01 06:47:15
First I must say that garments are considered sacred and not a topic for casual conversation. With that being said, I don't think it is so important to know all the details about them as to know why they are worn. Garments are an outward expression of an inward belief. They are a constant reminder of our commitments to God. In at least this way they are a protection from temptation and sin. God asks that we make covenants with Him and he often associates reminders with those covenants in order to help us be faithful. A good example of this is baptism. When members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are baptized they make certain promises with God. Every Sunday as they attend Sacrament services they are reminded of those covenants and recommit to live them. This is done by participating in and partaking of the sacrament. Likewise, as garments are worn faithfully they are a reminder of covenants made with God. Throughout my life and everyday as I wear my garments I can recommit myself to fulfilling my promises made to God.

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