A Grateful New Member
byI am a grateful new member to the LDS Family. I began by stating (truly) that I was a 58 year Episcopalian and would never change faiths. After reading the Book of Mormon and the teachings of Joseph Smith I found it compelling to me to find the nearest LDS Chapel (Cedar Rapids, IA). I attended my first Sunday dressed in no more than jeans, a shirt, and tennis shoes. Well, This was early November of 2009. Since that day, I have without fail attended church each and every Sunday since. Being an over-the-road truck driver I have found myself in an LDS Chapel somewhere around the US each and every Saturday nite, making sure I would not miss the next days 3 hours. I feel the Holy Ghost was instrumental in using His influence at that time. Now, after having been baptized on Feb 13, 2010 I know that I have the Gift of the Holy Ghost, for which I am truly grateful. Thanks to LDS. Ord I am able to find a church just about anywhere I go. I wish that I had been introduced to the church years ago and gone on a mission. I have never been happier. I am looking forward to my Temple Recommend whenever my Bishop and Stake President feel I am prepared. I hope it is soon. Having visited 9 temples around the US I can only go to the visitors center. It wont be long now……. An experience I have always desired to have. Brother Byrd
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