Two-part question:

What is the policy of Mormonism towards giving charity or practical aid (food, help with car repairs, help with medical bills, etc) to non-Mormons?

Is this only done if the person agrees to become Mormon?

OhioSnow from Ravenna,

One Response to “Two-part question:What is the policy of Mormonism…”

2016-10-02 15:27:07
Hi ravenna! We believe that doing good deeds, and doing service is giving back to what our father in heaven has givin to us. He has given us so much, and some people in life do not have things we have, so we want to help them. Everyone is God's children, and we are all brothers and sisters. Even if you are not mormon, we still help you if we can, because no matter what your lifestyle is, no matter what decisions you have made, Heavenly Father loves and cares about you. We do not just do service to make the person, or people want to join the church, we want to help them, because they truly need help.

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