I respect this religion by heart its independence, its unity. My question is -if I will change my religion then what I will get

Ankit from Faridabad,

One Response to “I respect this religion by heart Its independence, its…”

Gabriel Ramos
2015-11-22 10:08:10
For members of the church, Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God, our Savior and Redeemer through whom salvation is made possible. (Reflections of Christ)
Hi Ankit. Thanks for your question. While there are some notable physical and emotional benefits to becoming Mormon (among them a longer life expectancy!), the primary benefits are spiritual. We live in a world that is ever more chaotic, as you well know. Morals, cultures, and attitudes are constantly changing. We need a strong spiritual anchor now more than ever, to keep us in the right place despite these constantly shifting societal tides. The gospel of Jesus Christ has been precisely that anchor for me and millions of others. I wouldn't trade my membership in this church for anything. It's been a rich spiritual blessing in my life.

I know that many people in India aren't Hindu, so it may be presumptuous of me to assume you are, but, just in case, this article comparing Hinduism and Mormon Christianity might also help you.

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