I do not drink coffee but can I have coffee for my friends coming to dinner.

Anonymous from Hollywood,

2 Responses to “I do not drink coffee but can I have coffee for my…”

Samuel Delgado
2015-11-15 11:04:18
Hi brother/sister. Some might argue that it's best to keep coffee out of your home to "avoid the very appearance of sin." There may be some merit to that, but in general people tend to take that kind of thinking too far.

The bottom line is that it's not a sin for your guests to drink coffee. They're not Mormon, and they haven't made the covenants with God that you've made. If you serve coffee to your non-Mormon friends, you aren't breaking any commandments.

It's interesting to note that Brigham Young owned a distillery back in the 19th century. The Word of Wisdom was more of a suggestion than a commandment back then, but the principle is the same. It was designed to cater to non-Mormons visiting the state.

Hope this answer helps.
Stephen Douglas
2015-11-12 10:14:53
The Word of Wisdom is not inherently a sin for nonmembers. There is nothing wrong with all allowing nonmember friends and family to drink coffee in your home.

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