Hi everyone. I’m a recent convert. It’s been four months since my baptism, and I’d like to know how much time I have to wait before I can go to the temple to do vicarious work. I’ve understood that I need to wait a year, but someone recently told me that any worthy priesthood holder can go to the temple. I’m a little bit confused and would like more information. Thanks ahead of time for all your help.

AnĂ³nimo from Puerto Rico,
(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

One Response to “How long do I have to wait to go to the temple?”

Ricardo Duarte
2015-04-12 21:03:13
The San Diego temple in San Diego, California.
Hi brother. I know it's common in the church to speak of being "worthy" to enter the temple, but "worthy" really isn't the best word. I prefer the word "prepared." Some people are not yet prepared to worship in the temple because of sin, but there are many righteous members of the church who aren't yet ready to enter the temple. You're a good example of that. You're certainly worthy, and you'll be properly prepared too in just a bit.

Usually new members are ready to perform vicarious baptisms four or five months after their own baptism. Other important vicarious ordinances can be performed after about a year of church membership.

It's excellent that you already understand the importance of temple worship. It's so inspiriting to see a new member of the church fully embracing all the blessings that the gospel has to offer.