I was thinking of dip-dyeing just the ends of my hair a semi- permanent (washes out within a few weeks) unnatural color for just the summer. I still would like to go to the temple though, and was worried that some people in my ward might judge me. I wasn’t sure if I would be allowed to go to the temple with unnatural colored hair, and I couldn’t find any good resources that really answered my question. Please help, because I’m hesitant to dye it now, but I just think it would be a fun difference for just the summer. Thanks.

Happyface! from Utah,

2 Responses to “I was thinking of dip-dyeing just the ends of my hair a…”

2014-04-25 07:45:25

The Blessings of the Temple
Great question, Happyface! While I can't speak for whether or not ward members will judge you--goodness knows we're all imperfect, and that sometimes includes judging others--I don't think there's anything inherently evil about dying your hair an unnatural color, and I can't see any reason it would prevent you from going to the temple.

If you're truly concerned about it, though, may I suggest you speak with your bishop about it? He's authorized to receive revelation on your behalf, so he could certainly help you to know if there's some reason that *you* shouldn't do it. I recently met with my own bishop regarding something I wanted to do, on which the Church has no position, and he helped me to make an intelligent and inspired decision on the subject. As an added bonus, your bishop is also the one who would sign your temple recommend, so if he has any reluctance toward giving a recommend to someone with unnaturally dyed hair, you'll be able figure that out in advance and decide whether or not it's worth it to you.

Regardless of how this turns out, you're doing a great thing by wanting to go to the temple, and an even greater thing if you actually do so. Best of luck with your decision!

Diego Miranda: Great answer, Jeff! Thanks.
2014-04-25 20:09:24
Dear happyface,

I have not heard the church take a stand on hair color but there is a letter from Zoe in South Jordan, Utah from 9/27/10, and she asked a very similar question to yours. I feel that the answer from Pamela Bonta answered her question very well. You may want to look it up on this same website.

You can also check with you Bishop and see what he says.

I wish you a very happy summer!


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